explore – experience – remember
The Bestseller
The Wonderworld of the East
Stórurð counts among the magnificient creations of nature in eastern Iceland. This boulder area was most likely created by a landslide at the end of the latest cold era of the Ice Age. The boulders were carried by a glacier snout to the present location. Between the boulders are flat, grassy areas and deep blue ponds....
Tailor made tours
A room with a view on the top of Mt. Snæfell
Lónsöræfi trail
Winter hikes
Mountaintop camping
Demanding climbs
Our Bookstore
East Iceland - Top Peaks
This book contains information, maps and directions on hiking 101 mountains in East Iceland, along with an introduction on how to hike safely in Iceland.
Each trail is mapped and a QR-code that can be scanned by a smart device and leads to a tracked trail on Wikiloc. With each trail there is also a detailed description and descriptive photos.
The author is mountain guide Skúli Júlíusson. Having worked in the area since 2009, he knows the trails first hand and has collected all information and taken and collected photos.
101 Austurland - Tindar og Toppar
Leiðarlýsingar á 101 tind á Austurlandi
Gönguleiðir á 101 fjall á Austurlandi af öllum erfiðleikastigum.
Kort og GPS ferlar
Í bókinni eru kort af svæðinu umhverfis fjöllin ásamt QR kóða sem hægt er að skanna beint í farsíma og fá þannig GPS ferilinn beint í símann.
Yfir 300 myndir
Bókin inniheldur um 320 ljósmyndir sem auðvelda á fólki að átta sig á aðstæðum.
Allar upplýsingar um hæð, hækkun, gönguvegalengd, göngutíma og fleira er einnig að finna við hverja gönguleið.
Einnig fylgir kafli um öryggi á fjöllum og fleira.